Cora at Harvard

Cora was in Boston last week to give an invited seminar at Harvard in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. She presented Heidi’s perfluoroalkyl substances work, along with reactive chlorine work from Teles, Andrea, and Kathryn. Along with meeting many fantastic faculty and students, she was able to tour group alum Heidi’s new workplace!


Indoor chem chamber studies in Syracuse

Cora was in Syracuse recently to participate in chamber experiments with collaborators Tara Kahan, Jianshun Zhang, and Trevor VandenBoer. The experiments, known as Radicals and Oxidants from Cleaning in a Chamber (ROCC) were undertaken in the specialized chamber in Prof. Zhang’s lab. These are part of a larger project funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The ROCC team (aka ROCCstars)

The ROCC team (aka ROCCstars)

Cora and Tara show off the program and funding agency making this happen

Cora and Tara show off the program and funding agency making this happen

Kathryn's paper published!

Kathryn’s paper, describing cavity ring-down measurements of HCl indoors, was published recently in the journal Indoor Air. Kathryn identified several sources of HCl indoors, including bleach, dishwasher use, and cooking, showing evidence for direct emissions and potential for indirect formation. This work was part of a collaboration with Tara Kahan’s group at the University of Saskatchewan (formerly Syracuse University).


Sectioning ice cores from Ellesmere Island

Daniel and Cora were at Environment and Climate Change Canada in Burlington, ON last week to section ice cores along with ECCC colleagues. The ice cores were collected from Ellesmere Island in the Canadian High Arctic in May 2017 and will be used to better understand the trends and long-range transport of contaminants. They were joined by York University Science Communicator in Residence, Molly Segal, who documented the process. Stay tuned for results!


Bryan's paper published!

Former group member Bryan Place had the second paper from his MSc published recently! Bryan showed the applicability of passive sampling of nitric acid to remote boreal forest locations. This work was done in collaboration with his co-supervisor Trevor VandenBoer, as well as the research group of Sue Ziegler and collaborators at the Canadian Forestry Service. The paper is published in Atmospheric Environment. Congratulations!
